Those footsteps again and that crazy tapping! 

Jenny paused, certain someone followed her.

Maybe she imagined things, but there’d been so many reports about a murderer using a walking stick while pursuing and killing young women in her run-down San Francisco neighborhood.

Too bad she was poor and had to live in this horrible area.

She glanced behind her again. Yes, it was the same man. A cane, Levis, and  a hooded jacket. Did she know him? He didn’t look familiar. But how could she tell with sunglasses covering his eyes? 

Jenny darted between two hibiscus hedges, stooped, and squeezed close to the foliage, hoping to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. She held her breath, waited, and dashed across the street into the first open business she found. A grocery store.

The tapping followed close behind her.

Why the cane? He walked without a limp and wasn’t blind. Why did he need one?

Inside the store, the tapping came even closer, then stopped right behind her. “Shop here often?” he asked.

The creep! He had the gall to speak to her. She must get to where other customers were shopping. Now!

She didn’t turn to face him and hurried down the refrigerated aisle.

But those same footsteps followed her. Someone touched her shoulder. Chills raced up and down her spine. 

She reluctantly turned around.

The man removed his dark glasses and smiled. “Jenny, don’t you remember me?”

“Oh, Doug, it’s you. We haven’t seen each other in ten years. You should have called my name when you followed me.” 

The dear man. How foolish to be frightened of an old friend, but there’d been so many recent attacks and warnings in the media.

Warning bells went off in her head. 

How could she be certain he hadn’t become a murderer since the last time she saw him?




Light in Imperial Rome Novel Collection

The Potter’s Daughter and The Legionnaire

The Lily and The Lyre

The Prophetess and The Thief

Inspirational Romance Novella:

The Heiress and The Ex-Con